Drakeball Super
Jan 22, 2022

😱😱😱Wow !!! Did you guys check out the 6 days ROI when investing in N Planet?

🔻To breed 1 N Character, you need 4.5$ in total for Breed Fee

🔻But the Reward in NBALL = $0.78/day

=> 6 days ROI

✅ If you have 100 characters => you can earn $78 per day

✅NBALL Burning will soon be announced daily 🔥🔥🔥

NOTE: NBALL as well will be more burning when ZENO WORLD release


(https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xfe006dc583ab09b0b67a69cbc398b45f04815566)👉BUY SBALL




#GAMEFI #Defi #Playtoearn #P2E #BSC #Game $DBALL $DBS #DBSecosystemhub #Kingisback

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Drakeball Super

CryptoDrakeBall, #Playtoearn $DBALL the place to bring the legendary world of dragons in comics and movies to digital, building a #Playtoearn ecosystem